
Charles & Sally Clark Family

Records of the Charles & Sally Clark and Family and their nine children who lived in Farmington Utah from 1969–2010.

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126 / 382

documents 67 / 201 DOCUMENTS
volumes 0 / 0 VOLUMES
images 58 / 180 IMAGES
audio/video 0 / 0 AUDIO/VIDEO



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0 transcriptions
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documents Kimball Clark (85)
documents Andrew Clark (3)
documents Matthew Tennant Clark (1)
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+1 for each Transcription

Featured Record

Letter from Dorothy Smith Clark to Lois and June Smith 19 October 1934

Transcribed on February 8, 2021


Archive Owner Posts

See our new standards on how to transcribe

Posted August 9, 2023 by Archive Owner

Visit this document to learn about how to transcribe.

A Sampson Family Record Rescue

Posted November 8, 2018 by Archive Owner

With her family's biannual reunion several months away, reunion organizer Tonna Bounds used Kindex to hold an on-site digitization event in Delta, Utah--a "family scanning party". Weeks before the event, Kindex provided a "Call for Records" image to promote the event. When families arrived with records, Kindex created an inventory of owners and items to be scanned. Records were gathered from New York, Colorado, Arizona, and Utah. Soon all scanners were busy, and several family volunteers--including youth--jumped in to help. Family members now have access to more than 30 gigabytes of records they had never before seen. Tonna exclaimed, "How can I explain something that took place at our past reunion that was so futuristic in thought and action? People don't understand its potential--jaw dropping in thought! Aunt Zelda and Uncle Ivo's history was destroyed, but their lost histories can now be pieced together with even more force than could be imagined."

Who Deserves an Archive?

Posted September 30, 2019 by Archive Owner

Among the many documents Dorothy Clark left behind was a handwritten list of attempts to be published. She sent articles to church magazines and the Reader's Digest--but not once was she published. As an amateur artist, Dorothy never had an art exhibit beyond the walls of her own home. Her handwritten letters--hundreds to family & friends--sat folded up in boxes for years. Her amazing life never made headlines. Her records are not held in any institutional archive. She was however a leader worth following--a mother worth remembering. She deserves an archive. What about your records? If family records are kept, they are often at risk of being lost, damaged, or forgotten. How will you ensure your records are preserved? Do your photos, journals, diaries, letters, and other precious family records deserve an archive? Do you deserve to be remembered? The answer is Yes. Kindex brings amazing archival tools to everyday families, making their records more accessible and relevant than ever.