
Charles & Sally Clark Family

Records of the Charles & Sally Clark and Family and their nine children who lived in Farmington Utah from 1969–2010.

The Kindex® system recognizes the following “A” Dates in this Archive:
A day
About 10 minutes
about 3 or 4 weeks
About a month
about a week ago
about Dec. 20
About noon
about one week &
about two weeks
age 12
age 17
Age 71
age of eight years
Alberta July 12 1924
all winter
almost eight o?clock
Apr 2
Apr. 26, 1911
April 1, 1861
April 17/36
April 26, 1936
April 26th, 1936
April 4, 1884
April 6, 1936
April 9, 1935
Aug - 14 - 32
Aug 15, 1932
Aug 1st 1932
Aug 31-32
Aug. 1st 1932
Aug. 30, 1878