
Charles & Sally Clark Family

Records of the Charles & Sally Clark and Family and their nine children who lived in Farmington Utah from 1969ā€“2010.

The Kindex® system recognizes the following ā€œJā€ Dates in this Archive:
Jan 17, 1876
Jan 17, 1943
Jan. 15/34
Jan. 25
Jan. 25, 1908
Jul 1 1932
July 11, 1934
July 12-
July 29, 1859
July 3, 1978
July 5 8 AM 1932
July 5th
July 6/32
June + Iris
June 19
June 20
June 2nd
June 6 to August 24
June 7, 1938
June Augusta Bushman
June B. Smith
June of 1846
June Smith
just four months
just minutes